Black Tea - Mountain Passage (1980s)
Black Tea - Mountain Passage (1980s)
Aged black tea
This deep and powerful black tea brick is called “Mountain Passage” because these bricks were almost exclusively transported from their home in Szechuan to Tibet, where they had to cross through the highest mountain passes in the world.
Mountain Passage is from the mid-1980s, and is, therefore, a very old black tea, offering a wonderful chance to taste some history. The tea was processed similar to brick teas in Hunnan, with post-production, artificial fermentation in the form of piling.
These bricks have aged beautifully. They shine brightest when they are boiled, offering a whole afternoon of enjoyment and wonderful delight. We definitely recommend this brewing method. Of course, Mountain Passage is also wonderful in a sidehandle or brewed gongfu as well.
Origin: Szechuan, China
Brewing method: boiled, side handle
Please refer to the blog here for more details on brewing method and tips.
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